Right Candidates for Your Company
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Hiring made easy

Spend less time reading stacks of resumes, and more time on finding the best fit for your company/business.

Get the app.

item one
mobile developer Mobile Developer
event manager Event Manager
safety officer Safety Officer
salesman Salesman
plumber Plumber
image decorator
executive chef Executive Chef
decorative image

Pinpoint the  right candidates

Identify the right candidates without reading hundreds of text resumes

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candidate profile candidate profile candidate profile
candidate profile candidate profile candidate profile
candidate profile candidate profile candidate profile
candidate profile candidate profile candidate profile
candidate profile candidate profile candidate profile

A quick  feature snapshot

ShowReel platform attracts hundreds of candidates for each role and it distils the right few candidates for you to review.



Explore candidates with the right skill sets and perfect culture-fit to your organization. Share it with hiring managers.


Discover the skills in a more comprehensive way. Get a sneak peek into their personality before interviewing.



Browse the candidate profiles and review supplemental information like endorsements and experiences.

Video Call

Connect directly with candidates using our out of the box video chat to speed up recruitment.


For recruiters who need great people.

Hire the right candidate faster than ever by using ShowReel - the future of recruiting

less time to hire

Spend less time to hire by watching video resumes

shorlist and save video

Shortlist and save video resumes of qualified candidates

video chat

Reach out to candidates using in-app video chat

share videos

Share videos with all members of your hiring team


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